Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

TIba - tIBa MElLow

Ngerti banget kalo ga mau diomongin macem2 ama teman2 dan lingkungan,cuma v jadi ngerasa sendirian [kumat mode*on]

DaVE MaTtHewS BaND - tHE SpACe bETweEn

You cannot quit me so quickly
There's no hope in you for me
No corner you could squeeze me
But I got all the time for you, love

The Space Between
The tears we cry
Is the laughter keeps us coming back for more
The Space Between
The wicked lies we tell
And hope to keep safe from the pain

But will I hold you again?
These fickle, fuddled words confuse me
Like 'Will it rain today?'
Waste the hours with talking, talking
These twisted games we're playing

We're strange allies
With warring hearts
What wild-eyed beast you be
The Space Between
The wicked lies we tell
And hope to keep safe from the pain

Will I hold you again?
Will I hold...

Look at us spinning out in
The madness of a roller coaster
You know you went off like a devil
In a church in the middle of a crowded room
All we can do, my love
Is hope we don't take this ship down

The Space Between
Where you're smiling high
Is where you'll find me if I get to go
The Space Between
The bullets in our firefight
Is where I'll be hiding, waiting for you
The rain that falls
Splash in your heart
Ran like sadness down the window into...
The Space Between
Our wicked lies
Is where we hope to keep safe from pain

Take my hand
'Cause we're walking out of here
Oh, right out of here
Love is all we need here

The Space Between
What's wrong and right
Is where you'll find me hiding, waiting for you
The Space Between
Your heart and mine
Is the space we'll fill with time
The Space Between...

Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008

KaNTong AsOY = KResEK

Ada lagi kata yang bikin v bingung waktu pertama kali merantau ke Jogja, which is kresek. Secara di pekanbaru, yang namanya kantong plastik buat belanjaan dikenal dengan istilah kantong asoy.

V sendiri ga tau gimana ceritanya kantong platik ini dinamakan kantong asoy, tapi seumur-umur v emang ngenalin kantong tsb dengan nama kantong asoy.

Ceritanya, v yang baru dua hari merantau di jogja, belanja ke warung sebelah rumah. Giliran mau minta kantong plastik, v dengan cueknya bilang ke si mba penjaga warung "mba, minta kantong asoy nya dong...." jadilah si mba melongo mendengar omongan v, secara dia ga ngerti kantong asoy itu apa. Karena mbanya ga memberi kantong plastik tsb, langsung aja v ambil kantong plastik yang terletak diatas mejanya seraya berujar "ini lho mba, yang saya maksud dengan kantong asoy, di jogja namanya apa ya mba?" si mba langsung tertawa, "kalo di jogja mba, namanya kresek", v langsung jawab "ya maap mba, namanya juga pendatang hehehe." Satu lagi kosa kata baru yang v pelajari hari itu.

Gambar v ambil dari

Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008

RoTI bANtal = ROti TAwaR

Ngebaca tulisan Taty-nya v di sini, v jadi ingat salah satu kata yang lazim digunakan di Pekanbaru, tapi ga lazim digunakan di Yogyakarta, which is roti bantal.

Roti bantal ini sama aja dengan roti tawar (loaf bread). Dulu waktu awal-awal tinggal di Yogyakarta v sampe diketawain sama pramusaji toko roti karena waktu mau beli, v nyebutin roti bantal untuk roti yang selama ini disebut mereka sebagai roti tawar.

Bagi orang Melayu atau masyarakat Pekanbaru umumnya dinikmati dengan cara ditoast kemudian diolesi dengan selai Srikaya atau cukup dengan mengoleskan selai Srikaya tanpa perlu di toast, ditemani dengan secangkir teh hangat mmmmmm nikmat banget.... Cobain d.

GoSSip - PElaJArAn BeRHarGa

Ada gosip terbaru tentang v yang beredar di anak2 Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi (PPA) angkatan 9. Gosipnya mba Veni-nya anak2 mau nikah. Sumber gosipnya berasal dari Wawan yang nota bete sering banget ngobrol dengan v.

Ceritanya dimulai ketika Wawan, dalam suatu obrolan tengah malam, tiba2 nanyain v dengan pertanyaan yang untuk usia v sekarang wajar banget dilontarkan, tapi v yang kelimpungan jawabnya,
Wawan: ”mbak ku, kapan sih mb nikah? Aku kan pengen banget ngeliat mb nikah
spontan v jawab: ”mba nikah tahun 2010 wan, kamu datang ya..
Wawan: ”beneran mba, waaa selamat yaaa, wawan datang d mba, nabung dulu menjelang tahun 2010
Veni: ”iya wan, nabung aja
Percakapan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan hal-hal lain, dan tidak pernah menyentuh topik nikah-menikah lagi.

Ternyata oh ternyata, Wawan menganggap serius jawaban v n langsung cerita ke Bebby, Lutfi, dan Prima. Bebby, Lutfi, n Prima adalah sahabat2 v sewaktu masih mengambil profesi akuntan di STIE YKPN Yogyakarta. Bebby n Lutfi langsung ngucapin selamat untuk v dan berjanji untuk datang ke Pekanbaru. V langsung ngeh kalo mereka mesti dapat cerita tersebut dari Wawan, jadi v lurusin aja omongan Wawan sambil ngucapin ”amiin mudah2an aja hehehe” Tapi diantara empat orang tersebut cuma sahabat v yang satu, Prima, tidak berkomentar apa2.

Satu hari, v nelp Prima, ngobrol ngalor ngidul, tiba2 Prima nyeletuk.
Prima: ”mba, mau nikah kok ga pernah kasi tau sih? Aku bukan adekmu lagi ya?”
V terdiam, speachless
V: ”huahahaha... ya ampun adek.... kamu percaya ya? Mesti tau dari wawan nih beritanya
Prima: ”Iya mba, aku kaget aja dengernya. Trus mau nanya juga kayanya tiba2 jari2ku ga bisa mencet phonebook nyari no telp mba, n tiba2 jariku juga ga bisa dipake buat ngesmsin mb, bawaannya males nanyain mba
V: ”huahaha ya ampun adek.... kamu ngambek ya? itu cuma obrolan biasa, abisnya wawan nanyain topik yang mba ngerti gimana jawabnya, jadi mba jawab sembarangan aja, secara tahun 2010 itu tiba2 nongol dalam pikiran mb waktu wawan nanya ke mb. jangan khawatir adek, kalo mba mau nikah, kamu orang pertama diluar keluarga mba yang mba kasi tau. Ya ampun mboel, kamu bisa ngambek juga ya adek....huahaha

Prima misuh2 karena v ngetawain dia. Tapi ada satu hal berharga yang v pelajari dari Prima dan v yakin kalo v juga diperlakukan bukan sebagai orang yang pertama mendengar kabar bahagia ataupun kabar duka dari seorang sahabat akan bertindak sama dengan yang Prima lakukan. Mau bertanya ga enak, ga nanya juga sedih sendiri karena merasa sahabat kita tidak menganggap kita sebagai bagian penting dalam hidupnya.

Makasi adek... Makasi udah memberikan mba pelajaran yang berharga. Mudah2an mba menjadi orang yang tidak mengecewakan keluarga, sahabat, dan teman2 mba.

ReNunGAn hARi iNI

Lagu ini ngajarin v untuk tidak menyerah. Pain is a small thing to a giant, let go and let God deal with it.

T.I - No Matter What
Yeah, I say still i stand
Ay, shawty here i am

(Verse 1)
Never have you seen in ya lifetime
A more divine southern rapper with a swag like mine
Facin all kinda time but smile like I'm fine
Brag with such passion and shine without tryin
Believe me, pains a small thing to a giant
I was born without a dime
Out the gutter I climbed
spoke my mind and didn't stutter one time
Ali said "even the greatest gotta suffer sometimes"
So I huff and puff rhymes
Lyrics so sick wit it
Set the standard in Atlanta how to get get get it
So you up and coming rappers wanna diss, just kill it
I'm officially the realest...point, blank, period
Whether I still live in the hood or just visit
Whatever you can do in the hood I done did it
That's why the dope boys and the misfits feel it
This still his city long as TIP living, listen

I ain't dead (nah) I ain't done(nah)
I ain't scared(of what?), I ain't run(from Who?)
But still I stand (yeah)
No matter what pimpin here I am(Yeah)
No matter What

Remember I ain't break(never), I ain't fold(never)
They hate me more(so?)
Yeah I know(Ha, Ha)
Here I go(Yeah)
No matter what shawty, here I go
No matter what shawty

(Verse 2)
Let the blog sites and the magazines tell it
I'm sure to be in jail till 2027
Rather see me in the cell then
Instead of this new McLaren
God will take you through hell, just to get you to heaven
So even tho it's heavy, the load I will carry
Grin and still bear it, win and still share it
Apologies to the fans, I hope you can understand it
Life can change ya direction, even when you ain't planned it
All you can do it handle it, worst thing you can do is panic
Use it to your advantage, avoid insanity manage
To conquer, every obstacle, make impossible possible
Even when winning illogical, losing still far from optional
And, Yea they wanna see you shot up in the hospital
But, when life throw punches, block and counter like a boxer do
Been locked inside mi casa too long, I did a song
To make it known that the king lives on pimpin

I ain't dead (nah) I ain't done(nah)
I ain't scared(of what?), I ain't run(from Who?)
But still I stand (yeah)
No matter what pimpin here I am(Yeah)
No matter What

Remember I ain't break(never), I ain't fold(never)
They hate me more(so?)
Yeah I know(Ha, Ha)
Here I go(Yeah)
No matter what shawty, here I go
No matter what shawty

(Verse 3)
Even in solitude, there's still no hotter dude
I show you how to do, what you do, you ain't gotta clue
All you do is follow dudes
Sound like a lotta dudes
I'll weather whatever storm
Make it out without a bruise
I understand why, ya'll when my hands tied
They take shots, cause if I'm out there it's a landslide
But revenge is best served as a cold dish
And suckas will get served nigga no shit
Guess it was understood, for me it was over with
But I don't quit, if you ain't noticed yet
They couldn't wait to say goodnight shawty
So they can try to rhyme, act and look like shwaty
Go get a beat from Toomp, and make a hook like shawty
Before ya know it I'm back what it look like shawty
I lost my partner and my daughter in the same year
Somehow I rise above my problems and remain here
Yeah, and I hope the picture painted clear
If your heart filled with faith then you can't fear
Wonder how I face years and I'm still chillin
Easy, let go and let GOD deal with it (Ay!!)

I ain't dead (nah) I ain't done(nah)
I ain't scared(of what?), I ain't run(from Who?)
But still I stand (yeah)
No matter what pimpin here I am(Yeah)
No matter What

Remember I ain't break(never), I ain't fold(never)
They hate me more(so?)
Yeah I know(Ha, Ha)
Here I go(Yeah)
No matter what shawty, here I go
No matter what shawty

Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008

MuDIk = maNCinG

Beberapa bulan yang lalu, buat v, mudik artinya balik ke Pekanbaru, biasanya karena libur semester atau libur hari besar keagamaan seperti Idul Fitri atau bahkan Idul Adha. Tapi, untuk lebaran kali ini v dan bayu mudik ke kampung ayahnya mama yang berada di PAsir Pangaraian, Kabupaten Rokan Hulu, Riau.

V berangkat hari minggu, 27 September 2008 ditemani Atuk Tuah dan Atuk Darus, ga ketinggalan Pak Daniel-rekan kerja atuk Tuah. (atuk: panggilan untuk kakek bagi orang Melayu) ke Pasir.

Hari pertama v lewatkan dengan mancing ke daerah Rambah Hilir, yang masih berada dalam satu wilayah Pasir dan hanya memakan waktu 1 jam perjalanan.

Hari kedua, v n semuanya juga mancing lagi oooh badan v sampe menghitam sepulangnya dari Pasir.

V, anak rumahan yang ga pernah ngerti gimana caranya mencari umpan, merakit pancingan, jadi seneng banget, n pengeeen banget balik lagi ke sana.

Nyari Umpan di rumah sepupunya Atuk banget.

Siluet Bayu

Menyusuri Sungai, v ga nyangka banget masih ada yang kaya gini di Indonesia, khususnya Riau, mengingat lahan hutan yang sudah berganti menjadi lahan sawit.


Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2008

T. I - Whatever You Like

V berpikir lagu ini merupakan sindiran buat cewe2 yang menempuh "jalan pintas" untuk mendapatkan keinginannya. Bagaimana denga kamu?

Hey Jim
You know the old sugar daddys
They be trippin
They tell them girls

I said you can have whatever you like
I said you can have whatever you like

Stacks on deck
Patron on ice
We can pop bottles all night
And baby you can have whatever you like
I said, You can have whatever you like

Late night sex, so wet and so tight
I gas up the jet for you tonight
And baby you can go wherever you like
I said, You can go wherever you like

[Verse 1]
Anytime you want to
Pick up the telephone, you
Know it ain't nothing,
Drop a couple stacks on you
Want it you can get it, my dear
Five million dollar homes
Drop Bentley's, I swear - yeahh
I want your body, need your body
Long as you got me, you won't need nobody
You want it I got it, go get it I buy it
Tell them other broke niggas be quiet

Stacks on deck
Patron on ice
We can pop bottles all night
And baby you can have whatever you like
I said, You can have whatever you like

Late night sex so wet and so tight
I gas up the jet for you tonight
And baby you can go wherever you like
I said, You can go wherever you like

[Verse 2]
Shawty you the hottest
Love the way you drop it
Brain so good, coulda sworn you went to college
100K deposits
Vacations in the tropics
Everybody know it ain't trickin' if you got it
And you ain't never ever gotta go in your wallet
Long as I got rubberband banks in my pocket
Five, six rides with rims and a body kit
You ain't gotta downgrade
You can get what I get
My chick can have she want
Can go to any store, buy any bag she want
I know you ain't never had a man like that
To buy you anything your heart desire's like that
I want your body, need your body
Long as you got me you won't need nobody
You want it, I got it
Go get it, I buy it
Tell them other broke niggas bequiet

Stacks on deck
Patron on ice
We can pop bottles all night
And baby you can have whatever you like
I said, You can have whatever you like

Late night sex so wet and so tight
I gas up the jet for you tonight
And baby you can go wherever you like
I said, You can go wherever you like

I'm talkin' big boy rides
And big boy ice
Let me put this big boy in your life
The thing get so wet, and hit so right
Let me put this big boy in your life, that's right
I want your body, need your body
Long as you got me you won't need nobody
You want it, I got it
Go get it, I buy it
Tell them other broke niggas bequiet

Stacks on deck
Patron on ice
We can pop bottles all night
And baby you can have whatever you like
I said, You can have whatever you like

Late night sex, so wet and so tight
I gas up the jet for you tonight
And baby you can go wherever you like
I said, You can go wherever you like

Hey Jim
Hey Jim
Hey Jim
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Rabu, 01 Oktober 2008

SeLAmat IdUL FitRI

More AIDILFITRI graphics